We leverage KU’s reach and brand equity to deliver on our partners’ business objectives.

Five Campuses. Athletics. Alumni. And so much more.
Jayhawk Community Partners’ influence extends throughout and beyond KU’s five campuses, with nationwide visibility and a global network of alumni.
Why partner with KU?
Build your community profile
Through KU sponsorships, corporate partners of all levels build their brand among the tens of thousands of students, faculty, staff, athletes, alumni, and donors who call themselves Jayhawks.
Fuel KU excellence
Partnerships power KU’s transformative mission. From ground-floor initiatives to major enterprises, partner support fuels the innovation and service that sets our university apart.
Measures of a successful partnership

Clear objectives and strategic alignment
Once we’ve established our partners’ objectives and success metrics, we’ll match them to university groups or affiliates that align with their mission and brand.
Return on your investment
A successful partnership meets target metrics, raises awareness of an organization’s brand, and ultimately earns a return on investment